2020 Albums

2020-12-31 New Years Eve
2020-12-31 New Years Eve5 photos
2020-12-26 Sue's New Purse
2020-12-26 Sue’s New Purse9 photos
2020-12-25 Christmas Day
2020-12-25 Christmas Day41 photos
2020-12-24 Christmas Eve
2020-12-24 Christmas Eve44 photos
2020-12-15 Sue Decorates Work For Christmas Treats
2020-12-15 Sue Decorates Work For Christmas Treats6 photos
2020-12-13 Andrea's Birthday with Kyle
2020-12-13 Andrea’s Birthday with Kyle80 photos
2020-12-12 Decorate the House for Christmas
2020-12-12 Decorate the House for Christmas35 photos
2020-12-06 Decorate the House for Christmas
2020-12-06 Decorate the House for Christmas7 photos
2020-12-01 Helicopter in Elk Grove Village
2020-12-01 Helicopter in Elk Grove Village1 photos
2020-11-26 Thanksgiving Dinner
2020-11-26 Thanksgiving Dinner1 photos
2020-11-24 Second Snow
2020-11-24 Second Snow5 photos
2020-11-14 Hang Dad's Paintings
2020-11-14 Hang Dad’s Paintings6 photos
2020-11-13 Pond in Basement
2020-11-13 Pond in Basement3 photos
2020-11-07 Hang Dad's Paintings
2020-11-07 Hang Dad’s Paintings11 photos
2020-11-02 Had Front Yard Weeded
2020-11-02 Had Front Yard Weeded2 photos
2020-11-01 Wall Tapestry
2020-11-01 Wall Tapestry2 photos
2020-10-26 Basement Pond
2020-10-26 Basement Pond3 photos
2020-10-26 First Snow
2020-10-26 First Snow2 photos
2020-10-24 Dad's Paintings
2020-10-24 Dad’s Paintings69 photos
2020-10-11 Garden Yield
2020-10-11 Garden Yield3 photos
2020-10-10 Basement Pond
2020-10-10 Basement Pond9 photos
2020-10-05 Basement Pond
2020-10-05 Basement Pond27 photos
2020-10-05 Water Meter Replaced
2020-10-05 Water Meter Replaced6 photos
2020-10-03 Patch Holes in Crawlspace
2020-10-03 Patch Holes in Crawlspace8 photos
2020-09-28 Finished Turtle Winter Resort
2020-09-28 Finished Turtle Winter Resort24 photos
2020-09-23 Phase 4 of Turtle Winter Resort
2020-09-23 Phase 4 of Turtle Winter Resort19 photos
2020-09-20 Phase 3 of Turtle Winter Resort
2020-09-20 Phase 3 of Turtle Winter Resort7 photos
2020-09-19 Phase 2 of Turtle Winter Resort
2020-09-19 Phase 2 of Turtle Winter Resort17 photos
2020-09-19 Andrea at Friends Wedding
2020-09-19 Andrea at Friends Wedding7 photos
2020-09-13 Start Turtle Winter Resort
2020-09-13 Start Turtle Winter Resort3 photos
2020-09-24 through 2020-09-27 Visit Rebecca and Conner - Becca Bought a New Car
2020-09-24 through 2020-09-27 Visit Rebecca and Conner – Becca Bought a New Car207 photos
2020-09-10 Backyard Pond
2020-09-10 Backyard Pond8 photos
2020-09-05 Our Anniversary
2020-09-05 Our Anniversary9 photos
2020-08-30 Matt and Andrea at the Indiana Dunes
2020-08-30 Matt and Andrea at the Indiana Dunes4 photos
2020-08-23 Backyard Pond
2020-08-23 Backyard Pond6 photos
2020-08-21 Moved AGR Rock
2020-08-21 Moved AGR Rock5 photos
2020-08-20 Backyard Pond
2020-08-20 Backyard Pond6 photos
2020-08-16 Backyard Pond
2020-08-16 Backyard Pond23 photos
2020-08-13 Andrea at Conant
2020-08-13 Andrea at Conant1 photos
2020-08-03 Backyard Pond
2020-08-03 Backyard Pond4 photos
2020-08-01 Watch Mika
2020-08-01 Watch Mika3 photos
2020-07-13 Backyard Pond
2020-07-13 Backyard Pond3 photos
2020-07-05 Backyard Pond
2020-07-05 Backyard Pond34 photos
2020-06-30 Jeannie's Embroidery
2020-06-30 Jeannie’s Embroidery7 photos
2020-06-28 Carol's 85th Birthday Parade
2020-06-28 Carol’s 85th Birthday Parade230 photos
2020-06-28 Backyard Pond
2020-06-28 Backyard Pond10 photos
2020-06-27 Backyard Pond
2020-06-27 Backyard Pond21 photos
2020-06-22 Matt Picks up Mika From Florida
2020-06-22 Matt Picks up Mika From Florida14 photos
2020-06-22 Visit With Tom Meyer at CTI
2020-06-22 Visit With Tom Meyer at CTI2 photos
2020-06-21 Finish Pond
2020-06-21 Finish Pond50 photos
2020-06-20 Matt, Sam and Lucie
2020-06-20 Matt, Sam and Lucie2 photos
2020-06-20 Purchase Plants for Around Pond
2020-06-20 Purchase Plants for Around Pond19 photos
2020-06-16 Rebecca's and Conner's Apartment
2020-06-16 Rebecca’s and Conner’s Apartment1 photos
2020-06-16 Andrea's Apartment
2020-06-16 Andrea’s Apartment1 photos
2020-06-14 Backyard Pond Construction
2020-06-14 Backyard Pond Construction12 photos
2020-06-12 Sell Mom's Car to Therese & Bob
2020-06-12 Sell Mom’s Car to Therese & Bob1 photos
2020-06-08 Andrea's Apartment
2020-06-08 Andrea’s Apartment4 photos
2020-06-07 Andrea's New Appartment
2020-06-07 Andrea’s New Appartment34 photos
2020-06-07 Ducks in Pond
2020-06-07 Ducks in Pond76 photos
2020-06-06 Andrea's New Apartment
2020-06-06 Andrea’s New Apartment1 photos
2020-06-06 Build Pond Garden
2020-06-06 Build Pond Garden4 photos
2020-06-05 Ducks in Pond
2020-06-05 Ducks in Pond5 photos
2020-06-03 Andrea & Rebecca
2020-06-03 Andrea & Rebecca3 photos
2020-05-31 Pond
2020-05-31 Pond11 photos
2020-05-30 Deliver Matt's Honda Accord Car From Paul
2020-05-30 Deliver Matt’s Honda Accord Car From Paul16 photos
2020-05-28 Pond
2020-05-28 Pond4 photos
2020-05-27 Pond With Turtles
2020-05-27 Pond With Turtles63 photos
2020-05-26 Pond
2020-05-26 Pond6 photos
2020-05-25 Pond Construction
2020-05-25 Pond Construction16 photos
2020-05-24 Pond Construction & Ducks
2020-05-24 Pond Construction & Ducks27 photos
2020-05-22 Rebecca's Birthday
2020-05-22 Rebecca’s Birthday3 photos
2020-05-22 Rose-Breasted Grossbeak & Other Birds
2020-05-22 Rose-Breasted Grossbeak & Other Birds113 photos
2020-05-22 Pond
2020-05-22 Pond47 photos
2020-05-21 Pond
2020-05-21 Pond2 photos
2020-05-19 Andrea & Rebecca
2020-05-19 Andrea & Rebecca3 photos
2020-05-17 Kid's Stuff
2020-05-17 Kid’s Stuff2 photos
2020-05-15 Rick's Face Mask
2020-05-15 Rick’s Face Mask5 photos
2020-05-10 Bought Pond
2020-05-10 Bought Pond3 photos
2020-05-10 Rebecca Painting School Apartment
2020-05-10 Rebecca Painting School Apartment1 photos
2020-05-09 Pick Up Matt's New Honda Accord From Paul
2020-05-09 Pick Up Matt’s New Honda Accord From Paul42 photos
2020-05-07 Backyard Before Pond
2020-05-07 Backyard Before Pond4 photos
2020-05-05 Rebecca's & Conner's Graduation - Pictues by Lori McMurphy
2020-05-05 Rebecca’s & Conner’s Graduation – Pictues by Lori McMurphy49 photos
2020-05-05 Rebecca's & Conner's Graduation Pictures
2020-05-05 Rebecca’s & Conner’s Graduation Pictures66 photos
2020-05-03 Andrea Plant's Garden
2020-05-03 Andrea Plant’s Garden3 photos
2020-05-01 Sue in Facemask
2020-05-01 Sue in Facemask1 photos
2020-04-30 Look at Paul's Honda Accord for Matt
2020-04-30 Look at Paul’s Honda Accord for Matt4 photos
2020-04-30 Rick
2020-04-30 Rick2 photos
2020-04-26 Matt & Cooper
2020-04-26 Matt & Cooper8 photos
2020-04-26 Test out New Egg Maker
2020-04-26 Test out New Egg Maker1 photos
2020-04-25 Sue's Birthday
2020-04-25 Sue’s Birthday20 photos
2020-04-24 Sue's Birthday at Work
2020-04-24 Sue’s Birthday at Work18 photos
2020-04-24 Andrea at Home
2020-04-24 Andrea at Home2 photos
2020-04-17 Last Snow
2020-04-17 Last Snow6 photos
2020-04-14 Cooper
2020-04-14 Cooper4 photos
2020-04-13 Paul's Shelf
2020-04-13 Paul’s Shelf1 photos
2020-04-11 Matt & Licie Pick Up Cooper
2020-04-11 Matt & Licie Pick Up Cooper4 photos
2020-04-09 Rebecca's Pictures
2020-04-09 Rebecca’s Pictures41 photos
2020-04-04 Rick's Underware Mask
2020-04-04 Rick’s Underware Mask6 photos
2020-04-04 Matt & Andrea
2020-04-04 Matt & Andrea8 photos
2020-04-03 Andrea in Facemask
2020-04-03 Andrea in Facemask1 photos
2020-03-15 Rick & Sue Voted
2020-03-15 Rick & Sue Voted3 photos
2020-03-11 Andrea & Emily Dancing With The Cougar Stars
2020-03-11 Andrea & Emily Dancing With The Cougar Stars1 photos
2020-03-08 Marinko's
2020-03-08 Marinko’s1 photos
2020-03-07 AGR 50th Ornament
2020-03-07 AGR 50th Ornament2 photos
2020-03-03 Sue in ER
2020-03-03 Sue in ER5 photos
2020-02-29 AGR 50th Anniversary Founder's Weekend Banquet Guests
2020-02-29 AGR 50th Anniversary Founder’s Weekend Banquet Guests431 photos
2020-02-29 AGR 50th Anniversary Founder's Weekend Banquet Speakers
2020-02-29 AGR 50th Anniversary Founder’s Weekend Banquet Speakers340 photos
2020-02-29 AGR 50th Anniversary Founder's Weekend Banquet Preparations
2020-02-29 AGR 50th Anniversary Founder’s Weekend Banquet Preparations49 photos
2020-02-29 AGR 50th Anniversary Founder's Weekend
2020-02-29 AGR 50th Anniversary Founder’s Weekend460 photos
2020-02-28 SIU All Ag Banquet - Pictures by Steve Buhman, New Leaf Studio
2020-02-28 SIU All Ag Banquet – Pictures by Steve Buhman, New Leaf Studio192 photos
2020-02-10 through 2020-02-26 Prepare for AGR 50th
2020-02-10 through 2020-02-26 Prepare for AGR 50th12 photos
2020-01-29 Pat's Funeral
2020-01-29 Pat’s Funeral18 photos
2020-01-21 AGR 50th Award Centerpiece Test
2020-01-21 AGR 50th Award Centerpiece Test4 photos
2020-01-18 RV Show
2020-01-18 RV Show5 photos
2020-01-11 Rick
2020-01-11 Rick2 photos
2020-01-06 Rebecca
2020-01-06 Rebecca4 photos
2020-01-05 Celebrate Matt's Birthday
2020-01-05 Celebrate Matt’s Birthday9 photos
2020-01-03 Norwegian Cruise Vacation - At Sea
2020-01-03 Norwegian Cruise Vacation – At Sea40 photos
2020-01-02 Norwegian Cruise Vacation - Cozumel Mexico
2020-01-02 Norwegian Cruise Vacation – Cozumel Mexico279 photos
2020-01-01 Norwegian Cruise Vacation - Costa Maya Mexico
2020-01-01 Norwegian Cruise Vacation – Costa Maya Mexico539 photos