2002 Videos

2002-01-13 Andrea's and Alex's Swim Birthday Party

2002-01-17 Andrea's Dance Class

2002-01-17 Matt's 12th Birthday Party at Home

2002-01-20 Matt's 12th Family Birthday Party

2002-01-21 Matt's Bug For School

2002-01-26 Visit Uncle Pete and Aunt Lois

2002-02-01 Daddy Daughter Dance

2002-02-17 Alex's Birthday Party at Chuck E Cheese

2002-02-21 Alex's Family Birthday Party

2002-03-01 Rebecca's Dance Class

2002-03-02 Making a Snowman

2002-03-07 Matt's Concert

2002-03-24 Breakfast With The Easter Bunny

2002-03-30 Coloring Easter Eggs

2002-03-30 Easter at Gramma Jeanne's

2002-03-31 Easter Morning

2002-03-31 Easter With The Marinko's

2002-04-14 Flying Kites

2002-04-23 Nerge School Sculpture

2002-04-27 ArtiosCAD Users Group at Captiva Island

2002-05-12 Mother's Day and Rebecca's Birthday Party

2002-05-17 Andrea's Dance Recital Practice

2002-05-31 Matt's 6th Grade Graduation

2002-06-05 Andrea's and Alex's Pre School Graduation

2002-06-08 Andrea's and Alex's Baseball

2002-06-13 Re-Side the House

2002-06-13 Rick Storey on News About O'Hare Airport Expansion

2002-06-16 Father's Day and Zak's Birthday

2002-06-22 Andrea's and Alex's Baseball Game

2002-06-22 Garage Sale and New Siding

2002-06-29 Andrea's and Alex's Baseball Trophies

2002-06-29 Haley's Birthday Party

2002-06-29 Matt's People To People Trip to California

2002-07-04 4th and 5th of July Weekend With The Soodmand's

2002-07-08 Andrea's and Rebecca's Baton Class

2002-07-12 Matt Returns From His People To People California Trip

2002-07-21 Opossum in Trap

2002-07-27 Visit Uncle Pete and Aunt Lois

2002-08-21 Vacation Kalahari Resort Wisconsin

2002-08-25 Matt's People to People Reunion

2002-09-01 Jeanne Storey's Birthday Party

2002-10-09 Sue Storey on Elk Grove TV Channel 6 – Full Show

2002-10-09 Sue Storey on Elk Grove TV Channel 6 – Partial Show

2002-10-20 Carving Pumpkins at Gramma Jeanne's

2002-10-23 Rebecca's Dance Class

2002-10-24 Andrea's Dance Class

2002-10-26 Andrea's and Alex's Soccer Game and Trophy

2002-10-26 Nerge Halloween Party

2002-10-30 Rebecca's Halloween School Play

2002-10-31 Halloween