1983 Albums
32 sets

1983-12-11 Rick’s Birthday10 photos

1983-12-10 Rick’s Birthday Party12 photos

1983-12-09 Party For Haley at Field Container12 photos

1983-11-11 Rick & Sue Visit Mike & Joyce Wood & Beach & Point Loma21 photos

1983-11-10 Del Corinado Hotel & Old Town San Diago18 photos

1983-11-09 San Diago Zoo41 photos

1983-11-08 Uncle Bud Wood’s Trailer9 photos

1983-11-07 Universal Studios California39 photos

1983-11-06 Rick and Sue Visit Candee Skarseth’s House in California32 photos

1983-10-29 Halloween Party29 photos

1983-10-11 Mike and Betty Crowley’s Wedding40 photos

1983-10 Trip to Lake Michigan with the Bradney’s31 photos

1983-09-17 Crabtree Nature Center6 photos

1983-09-10 Chuck Shaub & Dee’s Wedding65 photos

1983-09-03 Milwaukee Zoo27 photos

1983-08-27 Mom’s Birthday8 photos

1983-07-09 Field Container Camping56 photos

1983-07-04 4th of July27 photos

1983-06-08 Jim’s Birthday24 photos

1983-06 Camping with the Bradney’s at Governor Dodge State Park Wisconsin73 photos

1983-05-08 Mother’s Day11 photos

1983-04-23 Sue’s Birthday Party23 photos

1983-04-16 Rick & Sue at Governor Dodge State Park Wisconsin10 photos

1983-04-10 Aunt Marie Norris’s Birthday19 photos

1983-04-09 Grandma Kasper’s Birthday20 photos

1983-04-03 Easter at Mom’s28 photos

1983-04-03 Easter With Grandma Kasper28 photos

1983-04-02 Coloring Easter Eggs12 photos

1983-03-12 Jeannie’s Birthday37 photos

1983-02 Rick & Tim Jaeger Winter Camping at Governor Dodge State Park Wisconsin21 photos

1983-02 Rick & Sue at the Museum16 photos

1983 Sue’s Tennis and Calculator Cakes22 photos