2019 Albums
176 sets

2019-12-31 Norwegian Cruise Vacation – Roatan Honduras & New Years Eve535 photos

2019-12-30 Norwegian Cruise Vacation – Harvest Caye Belize450 photos

2019-12-29 Norwegian Cruise Vacation – At Sea48 photos

2019-12-28 Norwegian Cruise Vacation – Board NCL Escape78 photos

2019-12-27 Norwegian Cruise Vacation – Key Largo & Everglades National Park400 photos

2019-12-26 Norwegian Cruise Vacation – Arrive in Florida64 photos

2019-12-24 Marinko’s Christmas96 photos

2019-12-24 Storey’s Christmas94 photos

2019-12-21 Rick, Andrea & Rebecca22 photos

2019-12-19 Andrea & Kenny3 photos

2019-12-19 CTI Christmas Lunch3 photos

2019-12-18 Andrea1 photos

2019-12-15 House Decorations1 photos

2019-12-13 Rick’s Facebook Picture2 photos

2019-12-11 Andrea’s & Rick’s Birthday29 photos

2019-12-06 CTI Indiana Christmas Lunch5 photos

2019-12-04 Andrea & Mackenzie2 photos

2019-12-02 Andrea’s New Car4 photos

2019-12-01 Christmas Decorations5 photos

2019-11-30 Put up Christmas Tree11 photos

2019-11-30 Add Braces to the Fence From Wind Damage3 photos

2019-11-29 Thanksgiving at Our House90 photos

2019-11-28 Thanksgiving103 photos

2019-11-28 Rick & Conner4 photos

2019-11-18 Andrea in ER4 photos

2019-11-16 Keychain for AGR 50th Ornament3 photos

2019-10-16 Animals in Backyard82 photos

2019-10-12 Squirrel on Deck13 photos

2019-11-11 Third Snow2 photos

2019-11-09 Conner1 photos

2019-11-09 Move Bill’s Sister4 photos

2019-11-08 Sue at Work2 photos

2019-11-02 Dinner with Marinko’s1 photos

2019-11-01 Second Snow1 photos

2019-10-31 Rebecca’s Halloween Costume6 photos

2019-10-31 First Snow3 photos

2019-10-27 Andrea’s Halloween Costume3 photos

2019-10-27 Install Gutter Guard’s14 photos

2019-10-22 Squirrel on Bird Feeder4 photos

2019-10-18 Rebecca & Conner5 photos

2019-10-17 Conant Hall Decorations2 photos

2019-10-15 Matt’s Vollyball Team2 photos

2019-10-14 Andrea & Kenny at Blackhawks Game6 photos

2019-10-13 Conner2 photos

2019-10-11 Rebecca’s Pumpkin Patch Pictures16 photos

2019-10-09 Forest Perserve by Rick’s Jury Duty in Skokie14 photos

2019-10-08 Look at New Laser for CTI13 photos

2019-10-07 Screw in Both of Rick’s Front Tires6 photos

2019-10-06 Pick up Chairs From Marie1 photos

2019-10-06 Rebecca1 photos

2019-09-30 Remove Birch Tree From Front Yard7 photos

2019-09-29 Rick’s Mounted Squirrels on Fireplace Mantel4 photos

2019-09-29 Sue at Breakfast With Friends1 photos

2019-09-28 Visit with Sue’s Cousin Will10 photos

2019-09-27 Rick’s Hawaiian Shirt5 photos

2019-09-27 Rebecca’s Pictures in Oregon3 photos

2019-09-18 Rebecca in Mirror1 photos

2019-09-17 AGR 50th Polo Shirt5 photos

2019-09-15 Clean Out Uncle Pete’s & Aunt Lois’s House Before Selling31 photos

2019-09-15 Andrea, Rebecca & Conner1 photos

2019-09-13 Andrea & Friends1 photos

2019-09-07 Rebecca & Conner3 photos

2019-09-06 Andrea1 photos

2019-09-05 Rick’s & Sue’s Anniversary1 photos

2019-08-20 Garden Yeild10 photos

2019-08-16 Rebecca’s Internship at Invista2 photos

2019-08-12 Andrea’s 1st Day of School Teaching2 photos

2019-08-10 Jim’s Updated House Ready for Sale26 photos

2019-08-02 First Batch of CTE Ornaments for AGR 50th4 photos

2019-07-29 Andrea & Friend in Chicago1 photos

2019-07-27 AGR Summer Meeting208 photos

2019-07-23 Sue Drinks a Beer4 photos

2019-07-21 Visit Matt in Indiana26 photos

2019-07-20 Rebecca & Conner in Austin TX3 photos

2019-07-05 through 2019-07-20 Andrea’s Trip to Equador & Peru60 photos

2019-07-16 Commodores Concert6 photos

2019-07-13 Garden Salad1 photos

2019-07-12 Kaitlyn’s & Max’s Wedding10 photos

2019-07-11 Garden Growth4 photos

2019-07-10 Drive Home & Visit Superman in Metropolis40 photos

2019-07-09 Visit Aunt Bev in Colombia TN115 photos

2019-07-07 Take Becca Back to Victoria & Lunch at The Salt Lick62 photos

2019-07-06 Austin Bar & The Oasis156 photos

2019-07-06 Museum of the Weird54 photos

2019-07-06 Drive to Austin & Snake Farm Zoo241 photos

2019-07-05 Lunch & Ripply’s Believe it or Not!168 photos

2019-07-05 Wax Mesuem240 photos

2019-07-05 Alamo191 photos

2019-07-04 River Walk & Meet up With the Shaulb’s312 photos

2019-07-03 Pick up Becca From Victoria Texas and Drive to San Antonio64 photos

2019-07-02 Travel to Sulphur Springs Texas25 photos

2019-07-02 Hot Springs National Park299 photos

2019-07-01 Travel to Hot Springs Arkansas16 photos

2019-06-30 Carol’s Birthday Party117 photos

2019-06-29 Garden Growth31 photos

2019-06-28 Andrea in Garden4 photos

2019-06-26 Andrea & Kenny at Cubs Game1 photos

2019-06-22 Garden Growth17 photos

2019-06-22 Rebecca, Conner, Andrea & Kenny at Winery5 photos

2019-06-21 Rebecca & Conner1 photos

2019-06-16 Rick & Andrea2 photos

2019-06-15 Scottish Festival54 photos

2019-06-12 Jeannie’s Visit8 photos

2019-06-11 Rebecca in Mirror3 photos

2019-06-09 Andrea’s Quilt2 photos

2019-06-08 Garden Growth5 photos

2019-06-08 Rebecca & Conner3 photos

2019-06-06 Duck Taking a Bath4 photos

2019-06-05 BA AGR 50 Clothes12 photos

2019-06-05 Ducks9 photos

2019-06-04 Rick’s Kilt and Buckle10 photos

2019-06-02 Duck Taking a Bath9 photos

2019-06-02 Quincy Street Distillery26 photos

2019-06-01 Garden Growth27 photos

2019-05-29 Rick’s Kilt7 photos

2019-05-28 BA AGR 50 Glassware17 photos

2019-05-26 Rick Weeding4 photos

019-05-26 Rebecca & Conner2 photos

2019-05-26 Garden Growth2 photos

2019-05-26 Plant Sunflowers16 photos

2019-05-25 Garden Growth10 photos

2019-05-23 Garden Growth2 photos

2019-05-22 & 2019-05-23 Rebecca’s 21st Birthday71 photos

2019-05-19 Andrea’s Southern Illinois University (SIU) Graduation Party328 photos

2019-05-16 Andrea & Rebecca See Rent1 photos

2019-05-11 Andrea’s Southern Illinois University (SIU) Graduation527 photos

2019-05-07 Andrea in Mirror2 photos

2019-05-05 Dinner at Pop’s3 photos

2019-05-05 Building Garden16 photos

2019-05-04 Andrea & Rebecca3 photos

2019-04-27 Snow12 photos

2019-04-26 Sue’s Birthday Cake1 photos

2019-04-24 Andrea in Mirror2 photos

2019-04-22 Andrea in Mirror3 photos

2019-04-21 Easter57 photos

2019-04-21 Rebecca & Conner5 photos

2019-04-14 Snow5 photos

2019-04-13 through 2019-05-05 Bulid New Garden36 photos

2019-04-03 Sue in Mirror5 photos

2019-03-31 Hanging Andrea’s Pictures6 photos

2019-03-14 through 2019-03-26 CTE’s New Offices and Laser13 photos

2019-03-24 Matthew, Andrea & Rebecca21 photos

2019-03-22 Alpha Gamma Rho (AGR) 50th Anniversary Ornament Made by CTE177 photos

2019-03-22 CTE Starts Production on AGR Ornaments9 photos

2019-03-20 Rebecca3 photos

2019-03-17 Andrea & Rebecca2 photos

2019-03-16 Andrea & Rebecca4 photos

2019-03-11 Andrea & Friends2 photos

2019-03-09 Kaitlyn & Blair6 photos

2019-03-08 Rebecca’s & Conner’s Paintings1 photos

2019-03-08 Kaitlyn & Blair2 photos

2019-03-08 Alex in Band at Bungalow Joes17 photos

2019-03-05 CTE Laser Test for AGR 50th4 photos

2019-03-04 Dusty3 photos

2019-03-03 Blair2 photos

2019-03-01 CTE Laser Test for AGR 50th11 photos

2019-02-28 Dusty1 photos

2019-02-26 Black Squirrel1 photos

2019-02-25 Dusty6 photos

2019-02-23 Andrea & the Hiemer’s6 photos

2019-02-22 through 2019-02-24 Alpha Gamma Rho (AGR) 49th Founder’s Day166 photos

2019-02-16 Blair’s 1st Birthday Party397 photos

2019-02-15 Andrea’s & Kenny’s Paintings4 photos

2019-02-12 Rick Eating Rice Krispies Square1 photos

2019-02-11 Andrea in Mirror1 photos

2019-02-10 Andrea in Mirror2 photos

2019-01-27 Snow3 photos

2019-01-26 Matthew1 photos

2019-01-19 Katie Jaeger’s Wedding14 photos

2019-01-18 Rebecca & Conner1 photos

2019-01-14 Andrea4 photos

2019-01-12 Rebecca in Mirror1 photos

2019-01-10 Rebecca & Conner9 photos

2019-01-09 Conner’s Birthday7 photos

2019-01-09 Naomie’s Uncle Pete Tie Pillow and Squirrel Head2 photos

2019-01-08 Rebecca & Conner3 photos