Storey Family Tree - Person Sheet
Storey Family Tree - Person Sheet
NameRachel Regina Sherry , GG Grandmother, S600, 25, F, A29, R29
Birth Date12 Jul 1829
Birth PlaceWeissenburg, Dio of Strasbourg, France
Death Date7 Nov 1909 Age: 80
Death PlaceCarrolltown, Cambria Co, PA.
MemoDied in chair while napping
Bapt Date13 Jul 1829 Age: <1
Bapt PlaceHallstatt, Germany
FatherPeter Sherry , 430, M
MotherElizabeth Kay , 431, F
Misc. Notes
Birth place of Weissenburg, France (Dioc of Strasbourg) is listed with James Patrick's birth/baptism record - Cath Vit Rec.
Buck family bible lists her baptism as located in Hallstatt, Germany on 13 July 1829.


JULY 12, 1829
NOVEMBER 12, 1909

Close of a Beautiful Christian Life.

"As a cloud of the sunset, slow melting in heaven,
As a star that is lost when the daylight is given,
As a glad dream of slumber, which wakens in (?)
She has passed to the world of the holy from this."

On Friday evening, November 12, Mrs. John Buck died at her home in
Carrolltown, at the advanced age of 80 years and 4 months.

As the deceased was so well known, and had so many friends and relatives
in and around Carrolltown, we feel that her death deserves more than a
passing notice.

Mrs. Buck, whose maiden name was Rachel Regina Sherry, was born at
Strassburg, France, July 12, 1820, making her age 80 years and 4 months.
In early childhood her parent's emigrated to this country and settled at
Bald Eagle, Blair County, afterwords removing to Allegheny township,
this county, where they resided for many years.

On June 05, 1849, she was united in marriage to John Buck, who still
survives and who, in the active years of life, was prominent in business
and political affairs, being sheriff of Cambria County 1861-65, a member
of the legislature during the session of 1875-6, postmaster of his home
town, and a member of the mercantile firm of E. Glass & Co., which
(illegible) one day was the leading establishment in Carrolltown.

Shortly after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Buck went to Buck's Mill, (now
known as Wolf's Mill), where they resided until 1865, when they went to
Carrolltown, at which place they made their permanent home, occupying a
comfortable residence immediately opposite St. Benedict's Catholic

During their married life twelve children were given them to brighten
their home circle, eleven of whom are still living.

The death of Mrs. Buck was unexpected, for on Friday she was around as
usual and after the evening meal both she and her husband sat in their
accustomed places and concerned friends who called. About 8 o'clock she
laid her head back on the chair and fell into a gentle slumber, but as
this was not unusual no thought was given the matter, and it was not
until the last guest had departed that her daughter, Mrs. James B. Eck,
who occupies the same house, called her and receiving no reply placed
her hand upon her and discovered that her mother was dead, having
quietly slept away.

The deceased was a woman of beautiful Christian character, her every
word and deed mainifesting purity and kindness of heart and mind. She
was kind and loving not only to those of her own household but to
everyone; her generosity knew no bounds, and no one ever made an appeal
to her in vain.

"She stretched out her hand to the poor; yes, she reached forth her hand
to the needy."

Although having passed the allotted span of life, she was bright and
happy in the companionship of friends, and her home was the Mecca of
many a troubled and distressed soul who sought counsel. She was in

"A perfect woman, nobly planned,
To warn, to comfort, and command."

She was a Christian woman, devotedly attached to her church, and zealous
in the discharge of every duty; it is, therefore, not be be wondered
that she was beloved by all who knew her.

As wife and mother she was faithful and true to husband and devoted to
her children.

"Her children arise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he
praiseth her."

When her earthly pilgrimage was ended and the work for which she had
been sent accomplished, the "silent messenger of death" gently laid his
finger upon her, and a "still small voice" said "Come." No sickness, no
suffering, no anguish in saying farewell to loved ones.

"Asleep in Jesus! Blessed sleep,
From which none ever wakes to weep;
A calm and undisturbed repose,
Unbroken by the last of foes(?)."

Surviving to mourn her loss is the aged husband and the following
children: C. A. Buck, Carrolltown; Dr. M. J. Buck, Pittsburg; S. H.
Buck, Elyria, Ohio; Dr. J. P. Buck, Chicago; A. W. Buck, Ebensburg; Mrs.
James V. Scanlan, Ebensburg; A. C. Buck, Edgwood; E. J. Buck, Tonaph;
Mrs. James B. Eck, Carrolltown, V. J. Buck, Turtle Creek; M. L. Buck,

The funeral which was largely attended, took place Tuesday morning.
Solemn High Requiem Mass being celebrated in St. Benedict's church,
after which interment was made in Carrolltown cemetery."

From the Patton Courier
November 19, 1909


Johnstown Tribune Nov. 13, 1909
Wife of Ex-Sheriff John Buck Had Not Been Ill - Was About Eighty Years Old
Carrolltown, Nov. 13-While sitting in a chair at her home here about 8:30 o'clock last evening, Mrs. Regina Buck, wife of Ex-Sheriff John Buck, died suddenly without having been sick. Death was evidently due to paralysis of the heart. Her husband is seriously ill.

Mrs. Buck's maiden name was Sherry. She was born near Bradley Junction and was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sherry. Ex-Sheriff and Mrs. Buck were married sixty years ago by Prince Gallitzin. The Buck family lived in Johnstown many years ago. Mr. Buck having been postmaster there. Mrs. Buck is survived by the following children: A. W. Buck, of Ebensburg; Mrs. James Scanlon, of Ebensburg; C. A. Buck, of Carrolltown; Dr. M. J. Buck, of Pittsburg; S. H. Buck, of Elyria, O.; Dr. James P. Buck, of Chicago; A. Z. Buck, of Braddock; Edward Buck, of Tonopah, Colo.; Vincent J. Buck, of Turtle Creek; Mrs. James B. Eck of Carrolltown, and M. L. Buck, of Hastings. One of her children died many years ago.

More than fifty grandchildren and a large number of great-grandchildren also survive her.

The funeral arrangements have not been completed, but Mrs. Buck will probably be buried on Monday morning, with services in St. Benedict's Church, Carrolltown, of which she was a member for more than half a century.
1John B. Buck , GG Grandfather, B200, 24, M, A28, R28
Birth Date11 Dec 1823
Birth PlaceLoretto, Cambria Co, Pa
Death Date28 Jan 1910 Age: 86
Death PlaceCarrolltown, Cambria Co, PA
Bapt MemoGodparents: Peter Jr & Margaret Eckenrode. Bap. by Rev Demetrius Gallitzin
OccupationSheriff of Cambria Co from 1860 until 1865.
FatherJoseph Buck , 433, M (1797-1871)
MotherElizabeth Eckenrode , 434, F (1802-1857)
Misc. Notes
114. JOHN B4 BUCK (JOSEPH3, JOSEPH2, NICHOLAS1) was born 11 December 1823 in Loretto, Cambria Co, PA, and died 28 January 1910 in Carrolltown, Cambria Co, PA. He married RACHEL REGINA SHERRY 5 June 1849 in Loretto, Cambria Co, PA, daughter of PETER SHERRY and ELIZABETH KAY. She was born 12 July 1829 in Weissenburg, Dio of Strasbourg, France, and died 7 November 1909 in Carrolltown, Cambria Co, PA.

Notes for JOHN B BUCK:
First Buck birth registered at Loretto; Godparents: Peter Jr & Margaret Eckenrode. Bap. by Rev Demetrius Gallitzin

1849 - 1865 Built and resided at Buck's Mill (Wolf's Mill), a grist mill 3 miles from Carrolltown.

Sheriff of Cambria Co from 1860 until 1865.



Balance in the hands of the accountant for
distribution as shown by the account ------------------------------------------------------------------------------            $4,l2l.00
      To which add the amount of compensation charged by
the accountany with which amount the accountant is surcharged -----------------------------------------            225.00

Making a total for distribution of ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $4,346.00

From which deduct the following:
Amount to be paid to Charles A.MacIntyre,
Register of Wills and Clerk of the Orphans'
Court for advertising the audit end recording     
this report -----------------------------------------------------------------------------      $6.00
Amount to be paid to M.J.McCann,attorney for
Accountant ----------------------------------------------------------------------------      10.00
Amount to be paid to Hattie L.Buck,sole legatee
of A.W..Buck,dec'd.from the estate of John Buck,
deceased,as shown by the account of A.W..Buck,
executor of the last will and testament of John
Buck,with interest from Dec.10,1918 to the date of
Distribution -------------------------------------------------------------------------------      483.05            449.05

Leaving a balance for distribution among the heirs --------------------------------------------------------      $3,846.95

      Which is distributed as follows: Michael J. Buck1 one-tenth            $384.70
2. to Sylvester H. Buck, one-tenth                  384.70
3. to Ambrose C. Buck, one-tenth                  384.70
4. to Edward J. Buck, one-tenth                  384.70
5. to Annie R. Eck1 one-tenth                        384.70
6. to Vincent J. Buck, one-tenth                  384.69
7. to Maurice Lambert Buck, one-tenth                  384.69
8. to Heirs of C.A.Buck1one-tenth to be divided among them
as follows:

a.      to Annie Buck, widow1 1/3 128.23
b.      to Aloysius A. Buck, 2/45      17.10
c.      to Alma Marie Buck Smith1 2/45      17.10
d.      to Stella E Buck, 2/45      17.10
e.      to Matilda A. Buck, 2/45      17.10
f,      to Orville Buck1 2/45      17.10
g.      to Harold F. Buck, 2/45      17.10
h.      to Fred B. Buck, 2/45      17.10
i.      to Leo L. Buck, 2/45      17.10
j.      to Leonard O. Buck, 2/45      17.10
k.      to Eleanor C Buck, 2/45      17.10
i.      to Emil C. Buck, 2/45      17.10
m.      to Gertrude M. Buck, 2/45      17.09
n.      to Jerome R Buck, 2/45      17.09
o.      to Herman T. Buck, 2/45      17.09
p.      to Heirs of Amandus Buck, 2/45 as follows;
      1. Mary Buck, 1/3 5.69
      2. Hellen Buck, 1/3 5.70
      3. Walter Buck, 1/3 5.70_____________________      17.09            384.69

9. To Hattie L,Buck,sole legatee under the
will of A.W. Buck, deceased1 1/10 ------------------------------------------------------------            384.69

10. to Heirs of James P.Buck, l/l0 as follows:
a. Mary Catherine Buck,widow,1/3-------------------------- 128.23
b. Marie G. Buck Gaspar, 2/9      85.49
c. Harold F. Buck, 2/9            85.49
d. Cyril Clement Buck, 2/9            85.48 -----------------      384.69            $3,846.95


Johnstown Tribune Jan. 29, 1910
Former Sheriff and Legislator Passes Away of Pneumonia After Long Illness In Eighty-Seventh Year
John Buck, an ex-Sheriff of Cambria County and a former member of the State Legislature, died at 10 o'clock last night at his residence in Carrolltown, in his eighty-seventh year. Mr. Buck's death was due to pneumonia, which developed soon after the sudden death of his wife, Mrs. Regina Sherry Buck, on November 12, 1909. The funeral of Mr. Buck will take place on Tuesday morning from St. Benedict's Roman Catholic Church, with the Rev. Father Leopold Probst, O.S. B., in charge. Interment will be made at Carrolltown.

The deceased was one of a family of eleven children, all of whom have passed away except Francis J. Buck, of Carrolltown, and William J. Buck, of Allegheny Township. He was a son of Joseph Buck, who settled on the John Zern farm in Carroll Township, where John Buck was born on December 11, 1823. John Buck built the grist-mills known as Buck's Mills and engaged in the milling business until 1861, when he was elected Sheriff, defeating James D. Hamilton. Three years later he located at Carrolltown and engaged in the mercantile business. He was a staunch Democrat, but served as Postmaster of that place during both terms of the administration of President Grant because of the fact that there was not a Republican then living in that vicinity.

In 1874 Mr. Buck and the Hon. John Hannan, of the First Ward, were elected on the Democratic ticket as Representatives to the General Assembly, defeating Thomas H. Lapsley and John C. Gates. They were the first persons to represent Cambria in the House after the district was changed from one to two members. Mr. Buck continued in the mercantile business until early in the 90's, when he retired. He was an active member of the Roman Catholic Church and a man having much influence in the community in which he resided for so many years.

John Buck and Miss Regina Sherry were united in marriage at Loretto by the Rev. Father Joseph Gallagher on June 5, 1849. The following children are living: Celestine A. Buck and Mrs. James B. Eck, of Carrolltown; Dr. Michael J. Buck, of Pittsburg; A. W. Buck, of Ebensburg; S. H. Buck of Elyria, Ohio; Dr. J. P. Buck of Chicago; Edward Buck, of Tonopah, Nev; Mrs. James V. Scanlan, of Ebensburg; Ambrose C. Buck, of Braddock; Vincent J. Buck, of Turtle Creek, and Lambert Buck, of Hastings. Besides these, he is survived by forty-nine grandchildren and thirteen great-grandchildren, together with two brothers, mentioned above.

Children of JOHN BUCK and RACHEL SHERRY are:

+ 388 i. CELESTINE AUGUSTINE5 BUCK, born 5 November 1850 in Carrolltown, Cambria Co, PA; died 10 September 1910 in Carrolltown, Cambria Co, PA.
+ 389 ii. Dr Michael Joseph Buck, born 13 April 1852 in Carroll Twp, Cambria Co, PA; died 14 June 1944 in Wilkensburg, PA.
+ 390 iii. Sylvester Hugh Buck, born 5 June 1853 in Carrolltown, Cambria Co, PA; died 28 January 1936 in Lorain, OH.
391 iv. Martin Peter Buck, born 1 September 1854 in Carrolltown, Cambria Co, PA; died 9 February 1881 in Carrolltown, Cambria Co, PA.
+ 392 v. Dr James Patrick Buck, born 19 February 1856 in Carrolltown, Cambria Co, PA; died 16 January 1914 in Chicago, IL.
+ 393 vi. Ancelius William Buck, born 15 March 1858 in Carrolltown, Cambria Co, PA; died 25 March 1918 in Ebensburg, Cambria Co, PA.
+ 394 vii. Mary Auctilia Buck, born 12 December 1859 in Carrolltown, Cambria Co, PA; died 25 January 1913 in Ebensburg, Cambria Co, PA.
+ 395 viii. Ambrose Cornelius Buck, born 8 December 1861 in Carrolltown, Cambria Co, PA; died 22 December 1949.
396 ix. Edward J Buck, born 3 October 1863 in Ebensburg, Cambria Co, PA; died 23 March 1923 in Tonapah, NV. More About Edward J Buck:
Fact 3: Bet. 1888 - 1923, Prospector in Tonopah, NV
Fact 4: Bet. 1905 - 1923, Lived at Golden Eagle Hotel,Tonapah, NV
Fact 5: 23 March 1923, died of pneumonia from the flu
Fact 6: 27 March 1923, Buried in Carrolltown, PA

+ 397 x. Ann Elizabeth Buck, born 7 July 1866 in Carrolltown, Cambria Co, PA; died 9 December 1939 in Hastings, Cambria Co, PA.
398 xi. Vincent John Buck, born 27 April 1868 in Carrolltown, Cambria Co, PA; died 11 April 1953.
+ 399 xii. Maurice Lambert Buck, born 16 April 1874 in Carrolltown, Cambria Co, PA; died 16 February 1970 in Hastings, Cambria Co, PA.

Family ID16
Marr Date5 Jun 1849
Marr PlaceLoretto, Cambria Co, PA.
ChildrenCelestine Augustine , 164, M (1850-1910)
 Michael Joseph , 163, M (1852-1944)
 Sylvester Hugh , 165, M (1853-1936)
 Martin Peter , 171, M (1854-1881)
 James Patrick , 22, M (1856-1914)
 Ancelius William , 166, M (1858-1918)
 Mary Auctilia , 172, F (1859-1913)
 Ambrose Cornelius , 167, M (1861-1950)
 Edward J. , 168, M (1863-1923)
 Ann Elizabeth , 173, F (1866-1939)
 Vincent John , 169, M (1868-1953)
 Maurice Lambert , 170, M (1874-1970)
Last Modified 16 Jan 2000Created 23 Nov 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh