Storey Family Tree - Person Sheet
Storey Family Tree - Person Sheet
NameMathias Grass , GG Grandfather, G620, 26, M, A30, R30
Birth Date12 Dec 1824
Birth PlaceBudingen, County of Herzig, Germany
Death Date6 Nov 1891 Age: 66
FatherMathias Grass , 3173, M
MotherMargaretha Bruthmacher , 3174, F
Misc. Notes
1. He immigrated about 1854. Discharge from the community of Prussian subjects issues 28 March 1854 in Trier, County of Merzig

2. He received a millitary award on 29 Aug 1849 in Grand-Duchy of Baden. Certificate of Bestowal issued to Private First Class Mathias Grass of the Royal Prussian 4th Company, 30th Infantry Regiment.

3. He served in the millitary in 1846-1848. Joined the 30th Infantry Regiment the 1st of October 1846 and discharged into the Reserve the 17th of September 1848, transfered into the 1st Reserve the 1st of October 1851.

4. He had a religion in 1854. Lists himself as Catholic on his Royal Prussian States Passport.

5. Phys. Description: 1854. Height 5 feet 5 inches, Brown hair, High forhead, Brown eyebrows, Grey eyes, pointed nose, small mouth, blond beard, round chin, oval face healthy complexion and slender figure is the description on his Passport.

6. He appeared on the census on 30 Jul 1860 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois. Mathias is a 29 year old male born in Prussia who is a grocer. He is living in the household of Augustin Gower, his father-in-law.

7. He appeared on the cencus on 7 Jul 1870 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois. Mathias is now 35 year old male born in Prussia.
1Margaretha Gauer , GG Grandmother, G600, 27, F, A31, R31
Birth Date23 Jul 1840
Birth PlacePrussia
MemoBorn on the ship Floriana On Atlantic Ocean coming from Alsace Lorraine, France
Death Date25 Mar 1909 Age: 68
Death PlaceChicago, Cook Co, IL.
FatherAugustin Gauer , 3175, M (1795-1882)
MotherMaria Lochen , 3176, F (1795-1889)
Misc. Notes
1. She appeared on the census on 30th Jul 1860 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois. Margarette is a 20 year old female born in Prussia living in the Augustin Gower household.

2. She appeared on the census on 7 Jul 1870 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois. Margaret is a 31 year old female born in Illinois.

Obituary dated March 26, 1909


MRS. MARGARETHA GRASS, a resident of Chicago since 1841, died yesterday morning at her home, 343 Rush street, after a lingering illiness. She was born on the Atlantic Ocean in 1840, while her parents were en route from Prussia to America, and was married in 1859 to Mathias M. Grass, who died several years ago. Mrs. Grass is survived by five sons and three daughters, one of the sons being Rev. Alexius Grass, O.S.B. Funeral services will be held at the home this afternoon.
Family ID17
Marr Date9 Jun 1859
ChildrenMichael (Rev. Alexius - Alex) , 174, M (1860-1918)
 Margaretta Louise (Maggie) , 179, F (1862-1888)
 Marie Theresa , 180, F (1863-1944)
 Martin Mathias , 175, M (1865-1942)
 Augustin John , 176, M (1867-1936)
 Mary Kathrine , 23, F (1869-1944)
 Mathilda , 182, F (1871-1948)
 Gertrude , 181, F (1873-1902)
 Magdelina , 183, F (1874-1875)
 John Benedict , 177, M (1876-1939)
 Franciscus Aggedius (Frank) , 178, M (1878-1959)
Last Modified 20 Mar 2005Created 23 Nov 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh