Storey Family Tree - Family Card
Storey Family Tree - Family Card
m. 21 May 1999, ALsip, IL
b. 14 Mar 1963, Chicago, IL, age: 61
occ. Inspector, Department of Buildings, City of Chicago
edu. Bachelor of Science, Business, University of Dubugue, 1985
rel. Catholic
1c. Jun 1970, age: 7
con. Jun 1981, age: 18
b. 1 Sep 1961, Hinsdale IL, age: 62
occ. Was Vice Preseident, Equifax CRM - Currently – work at home Mom (retired from career to raise son!)
edu. Bachelor Of Arts, Writing, St. Xavier University, May 1984
rel. Catholic
1c. 1968, age: 6
bp. Sep 1961, age: <1
con. Jul 1974, age: 12
Spouses: 1, 2
Lane Arthur Jacob Scott(31 Dec 2002 - )