NameRita Cecelia Gehringer
, 5C1R, G652, 2886, F, R224.
Birth Date8 Jan 1920
Death Date8 Jul 1999 Age: 79
Misc. Notes
Rita Cecelia 7 Gehringer (Herman B 6, Mary Appolonia 5Brogley, Mary Appolonia 4Melchior, Salome 3Buck, Leonard 2, NICHOLAS 1) was born 8 January 1920, and died 8 July 1999. She married Charles Howard Neidert Private. He was born Private.
Children of Rita Gehringer and Charles Neidert are:
Charles Howard Neidert, born Private.
Scott Neidert, born Private.
Barbara Neidert, born Private. She married Dale Hallman Private; born Private.
Nancy Neidert, born Private. She married William Izzo Private; born Private.
Christopher Neidert, born Private. He married Karen Keener Private; born Private.
Family ID2153
Marr Date10 May 1947