Storey Family Tree - Person Sheet
Storey Family Tree - Person Sheet
NameBernard Chelius , 5C1R, C420, 2775, M, R224.
Birth Date7 Jan 1920 Age: 104
FatherAugustus Chelius , 1738, M (1892-1952)
MotherMinnie Haage , 2770, F
Misc. Notes
Bernard 7 Chelius (Augustus 6, Agnes Catherine 5Melchior, Jacob 4, Salome 3Buck, Leonard 2, NICHOLAS 1) was born Private. He married Fern O'Meara Private. She was born Private.
Children of Bernard Chelius and Fern O'Meara are:

Joyce Evelyn Chelius, born Private. She married Gene Allen Potts Private; born Private.

Diane Chelius, born Private. She married Larry R Fiorinni Private; born Private.

Rosemary Chelius, born Private. She married Lester C Mohn Private; born Private.

Bernard Chelius, born Private. He married Diane Sloop Private; born Private.

Christopher Chelius, born Private.

Alan B Chelius, born Private. He married Kay Dresher Private; born Private.
Teresa L Chelius, born Private. She married Brooke A Werner Private; born Private.
1Fern O'Meara , O560, 4068, F
Family ID2085
ChildrenJoyce Evelyn , 4072, F
 Diane , 4073, F
 Rosemary , 4074, F
 Bernard , 4069, M (1950-)
 Christopher , 4070, M (1953-)
 Alan B. , 4071, M (1955-)
 Teresa L. , 4075, F
Last Modified 30 Sep 2003Created 23 Nov 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh