NamePaul Chelius
, 5C1R, C420, 2756, M, R224.
Birth Date25 May 1915
Death Date14 Oct 1966 Age: 51
Misc. Notes
Paul 7 Chelius (Frank J 6, Agnes Catherine 5Melchior, Jacob 4, Salome 3Buck, Leonard 2, NICHOLAS 1) was born 25 May 1915, and died 14 October 1966. He married Helen Zuvalia Private. She was born Private.
Children of Paul Chelius and Helen Zuvalia are:
Doreen Chelius, born Private.
Diane Chelius, born Private. She married Willard D Kline Private; born Private.
Ronald Chelius, born 4 July 1941; died 13 March 1979.