Storey Family Tree - Person Sheet
Storey Family Tree - Person Sheet
NameMary Christine (Mayme) Brefeld , B614, 1974, F
Birth Date5 Feb 1908
Death Date18 Nov 1993 Age: 85
FatherBenjamin J. Brefeld , 1968, M (1870-1950)
MotherMargaret Catherine Wirfs , 1969, F (1872-1951)
Misc. Notes
While Mary was attending High School, a new building was completed and the students all moves from the old to the new one - - the main structure of the present buildings. She was honored in her Senior year when she was selected to make the presentation speech for the flag at the dedication ceremony. This was an impressive ceremony, attended by all the local dignitaries and was a highlight of her Senior year.

After graduation she went on to Elgin Junior College for a year. She was the first Brefeld to graduate from High School and the only one of her generation to attend college immediately thereafter.
1Charles Kearns , K652, 1991, M
Family ID1535
Last Modified 26 Feb 2002Created 23 Nov 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh